Managed Service Providers are a key component to the success, maintenance, processes, and functions behind improving the operations of any organization. MSPs are the outsourced heroes of every IT department, fixing and preventing every natural disaster that occurs within
your company’s house.
But as an MSP, how do you market yourself? And how do you make your MSP the best fit for each prospect?
Simply put – there are two parts to an MSP go-to-market strategy. Part 1: Branding. As an MSP you must know who you are as a company, what message you’re conveying to the public that identifies you directly and convey these across your organization. Part 2: Demand Generation. What activities are the most ideal to drive sales for your services? Put those 2 pieces together and you have your marketing strategy.
Let’s discuss.
Part 1: Branding If you can answer the brand awareness questions below based on your company and know that each answer would be the same response from any employee or client based on your company – then you’ve got part one of two complete!
Who are you as a company?
What is your company’s promise?
What does your company stand for?
What is your “ONLY” statement? “We are the ONLY ____ that does ____.”
Who’s your ideal prospect/client?
Is your company’s message and design consistent throughout?
Do your staff fulfill the company promise?
Part 2: Demand Generation Once you’ve completed part one, then and only then are you ready for part two: Demand Generation. Understanding who your ideal client is, is one of the foundations to your success in this area. Some marketing activities that we have found are optimal for driving demand generation for services are:
Create a sales funnel or step-by-step timeline to aide in the process of engaging each prospect.
Create and use marketing content and activities such as: -white papers -online search engine and advertising tools -outbound emails -social media engagement and outreach -virtual and in person events -telemarketing
3. Always keep in mind that the lead/prospect has a decision-making process. To stay in sync with their buying timeline, here are the 5 Steps of your Buyer’s Decision-Making Cycle:
Awareness: Notices and defines the issue
Search: Seeks out the right vendor to solving it
Evaluate: Narrows choices down and reviews proposals
Select: Decides the vendor that offers the best fit
Post Purchase Evaluation: Frequent two-way communications and customer relations
Our team at Leadarati is has helped hundreds of MSPs with turnkey assistance in go-to-market strategies that increase revenue for a fraction of the cost of a full-time marketing staff. Learn more about how Leadarati can help support you by clicking here: